The project, which supports a leading action already activated, wants to experiment a particular model to guide into the social and economic admission of the PI owners during the exit moment from the SPRAR system.
The project wants to start from the SPRAR' Authorities and from the third sector authorities who participate in three regions (Sicily, Lazio, Tuscany) and in four territories (1. Ragusa-Trapani, 2. Rome, 3. Florence, 4. Massa); the authorities want to achieve a future implementation in the national territory too.
In each of these four regional territories, the project's partners will reinforce the territorial networks made up of families, companies and other social and institutional participants, which have the aim to host, to help and to support the individual and the independent beneficiaries' paths.
The intervention wants to develop a participatory and collaborative methodology that encourages local communities' attention-seeking behavior in which beneficiaries live; it wants to promote the potentialities of each participant. Families are able to listen, to host and to the social inclusion while the other participants cannot offer these ones which are considered, in particular, as the humus to the growth of beneficiaries' relational skills. The companies have the skill to transfer the technical knowledge and the economic inclusion which no one among the other participants can have in the same way and it will be the humus to the growth, in particular, to the beneficiaries' professional skills and so of their economic independence.
These families and companies' specific potentialities will integrate the existing specific potentialities on the local authorities, the SPRAR centers, the private social, the associationism and the parishes' territories.
Thanks to this approach, we want to promote the multi-disciplinaries and multi-level action forms which give "intercultural" value, to offer a management model of cultural difference opened toward the future, based on the dignity of each person and on the common humanity's idea, and to allow to the beneficiaries to be at the center of attention toward a full independence and a full social and economic inclusion.
PROJECT'S LEADER: Associazione Volontari Centro Internazionale Studenti Giorgio La Pira-ONLUS
Fo.Co. Onlus
Associazione “Azione Per Un Mondo Unito – Onlus” (Amu)
Associazione Casa Betania Onlus
Comune di Marsala
Comune di Comiso
Comune di Chiaramonte Gulfi
Comune di Massa
Comune di Vittoria
Comune di Firenze
Associazione Azione Per Famiglie Nuove – Onlus